Friday, April 18, 2008


Ok, here are a few recent pictures of my "big girl".

This one is her looking "sweet".

This was at the circus last Saturday (4/12). She was playing with her "magic wand" that we bought her.

At the circus. She was in awe by the trapeeze artists. They were right in front of us! It was pretty cool.

In the car on the way to grandma's house.

I apologize that these are grainy and not the best, but they were taken with my camera phone.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

It has been awhile, and I will post pics soon I promise. It isn't like I don't have them because you know I have a ton!

We went to the circus on Saturday. Sami and absolutely loved it. She was in awe and sat in her seat so good. I was VERY proud of her.

Today, we converted her crib to a day bed. She loves her "big girl bed". She played in it all afternoon. In and and out. She is already down for the night and she has stayed in it since I put her down. I did buy one of the mesh guard rails and put on it. The way she sleeps, I would worry all night and not get any myself.

Well, I will post more later and have some pics.

Take care!