Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Elton John

My girl:

Elton John:

Do we see a resemblance?

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Growing up...

My little girl is growing up....

She had her 1 year appt. yesterday and here are her stats:

Weight: 26 lbs. (97th percentile)
Height: 30 1/2" (90th percentile)

Looks like I am going to have a good size girl. She is going to be like her mama!

She got 3 shots and that didn't go all that great. She screamed bloody murder. I felt horrible! Then after her appt. we had to go down to the lab for her to get a blood draw because they wanted to check her system for lead! When I say blood draw....I mean blood draw...tourniquet, needle in the arm and all! She cried, but she handled that better than the shots. Her little face was so red and speckled with white. It made me want to cry!

I guess that is one of the prices that you have to pay....you hurt when your child hurts!