Well, I took Samantha in for her doctor appointment this morning. She had to go in so he could look at her feet. She turns them in and when she stands up, she will stand on the side of it. He does want her to go see a orthopaedic ped, so I am waiting to schedule that. The only bad thing is there aren't any here in Lansing, so we will either have to go to Brighton (45-50 miles away) or to Ann Arbor at the University of Michigan (about 70 miles away). I am actually leaning more towards the U of M. They have a lot of pediatric specialist there and I believe that may be where she will get the best treatment. The doctor doesn't think it is anything serious enough to need surgery, but he said she may have to either wear special shoes or may have to be casted. He said that we do need to get it taken care of because the way it is looking....she is going to be an early walker. She will be 9 mos. a week from tomorrow! Boy how time flies!
Well, anyway...other than that the appt. went well. At least for her...when they weighed her, we had to go to another room. Well, here she was naked as a jaybird and I decided that since I had her diaper off, I would just change it. As I am getting the diaper out of the diaper bag, she peed all over me. Well, it is cold here (32 as we speak and it is 12:45 pm) so I had a t-shirt with a fleece jacket on. I had taken off the jacket and was only wearing the t-shirt. I had to take the shirt off and here I am sitting at work, wearing only the fleece jacket. She seemed to think it was funny...she kept laughing...that could've been because Grandma Diana had her too!
Anyway...here are her stats for today:
Weight - 19 lbs. 13 oz (She is in the 75th percentile)
Length - 28.5" (80th percentile)
I can't believe how big she is getting especially if you compare it to her birth - 5 lbs. 10 oz and 18.25".
Take care and I will post more soon!